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Why You Shouldn't Wait To Get Orthodontic Care in Lewis Center, Ohio

Oct 12

In Lewis Center, Ohio, orthodontists are a dime a dozen. With so many practices in the area to choose from, you may be tempted to wait until it's an emergency before visiting one of them. Don't! Waiting only leads to more complex problems and can even worsen your dental health. This blog post will explore why you should not wait for orthodontic care in Lewis Center and how often people do just that.

Orthodontic care is not just for kids and teens.

Many adults are missing out on the benefits of having an orthodontist in Lewis Center, Ohio. They could have crooked teeth or overcrowding, causing them to be embarrassed about their smile. Orthodontists in Lewis Center, Ohio are often able to address these problems with orthodontics and can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. These issues could include crowding, gaps between teeth, overbites, or underbites that aren't corrected by wearing braces while they're still growing.

Tooth decay can lead to tooth loss, which can lead to other health problems.

It is never too early to start maintaining your child’s teeth. By the time children become teenagers, their permanent (adult) tooth buds are already formed under the gums and ready to erupt into the mouth. By age 13 or 14 many teens have lost some of their baby teeth due to decay, so it is important that they schedule regular dental checkups with dentist Lewis Center. If you suspect any issues with your teenager's oral health please call our office.

Your teeth will be better aligned and your bite will be more comfortable with braces or Invisalign.

Orthodontic treatment can be an expensive and lengthy procedure, but it's worth it to have a healthier mouth overall cosmetic dentist Lewis Center. One of the main benefits of orthodontics is that your teeth will be better aligned and your bite will be more comfortable. Plus, you'll look much better when you smile! So don't wait to get braces or Invisalign if your teeth are crooked or overlapping. Your oral health will thank you in the long run!

The sooner you get started with orthodontic care, the quicker it will be over!

The sooner you get started with orthodontic care, the quicker it will be over dentist Lewis Center! Getting braces can also lead to a brighter smile and increased self-confidence. Orthodontics is a very effective way to correct dental issues in people of any age. The process can often reduce the number of teeth lost in adulthood and make the teeth easier to clean. Orthodontic treatment with orthodontist Lewis Center is geared towards correcting crooked teeth and other issues that affect mouth alignment.

Dugas Dental & Carr Orthodontics
27 - 29 Neverland Dr, Lewis Center, OH 43035
(7400 690-2611