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Most common Women's Problem

Nov 4

Treatment of vaginal problems depends on the cause of the problem, the severity of your symptoms and your general health. Not all vaginal problems can be prevented, but regular examinations can help diagnose problems that affect your vagina as quickly as possible.

The vagina is a tube or passage that leads from the uterus (womb) to the outside of the body. Most vaginal problems are caused by changes in the normal bacteria, which live inside and around it. Most problems can be treated with medicines called antibiotics.

If you have symptoms such as pain during sex or an unusual vaginal discharge, visit your doctor or local clinic. Most vaginal problems can be successfully treated, so don't delay seeking treatment if you are concerned about your vaginal health.

Types of Vaginal Infection

Types of vaginal infection include:

- bacterial vaginosis (BV)

- candidiasis (yeast) infection

- trichomoniasis

- sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

The symptoms of a vaginal infection vary depending on the cause. Most infections cause:

- vaginal discharge (which may be different colors such as white, yellow or green)

- itching and irritation in and around the vagina

- pain during sex

Most Common Women's Problem

Most common women's problem like vaginal problems are linked to specific causes, such as:

- changes in your hormones (such as during pregnancy or menopause)

- vaginal dryness and thinning of the vagina walls (atrophic vaginitis)

- skin conditions that affect the genitals (such as psoriasis or eczema)

- irritations to the skin around your genitals, such as from scented soaps, perfumed toilet tissue or bubble baths

- allergic reactions to spermicides or condoms.

Using certain pills could reducing and maintaining the PH balancing for your vaginal area.