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Mental Health Experts Explain Child Covid Impacts During Al.Com Town Hall

Oct 22

Recently, the state Department of Public Health’s spokesperson stated that children under 19, in order to get a COVID vaccine need to have parental consent. 

The questions answered by child health and wellness experts included the following:

How to talk to my child about the vaccine?

How effective is a mask on a five-year-old?

AARP of Alabama and presented the five Facebook Live segments. The first series aimed to answer audience questions about the coronavirus and its impact on Alabamians’ lives.

In the initial installment, Dr. Karen Landers, Dr. Amin Gilani, and Midfield Schools Mental Health Services Coordinator Camille Underwood answered questions related to the physical and psychological effects of COVID-19 on children.

It is reported that, as of now, 25% of COVID-19 cases statewide are represented by children of age 0-18. Landers said,  “This virus this year is not last year’s virus.” Health experts across the state plead to get vaccinated and to wear masks in and out of school settings.

Now let us look at their answers to some of the most common questions about COVID-19 and children: 

Is it necessary that to get vaccinations, guardians have to approve for their children? How do kids who want to get vaccinated approach the topic with their parents who are against vaccinations?

Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines’ clinical trials in younger children are still ongoing. Landers said that for children 12 and above, any vaccines administered by ADPH or off-site clinics need parental permission. Landers further stated that “We need to respect one another’s decisions and help people make health decisions based on science.”

Gilani said that the key to productive conversations is open communication and that the decision regarding health should not feel forced. Landers noted that people who need time to weigh their options can always come back to get vaccinated. 

“If you’re not going to vaccinate, please mitigate, because we absolutely need to shut this virus down.” Landers recommended. 

How should parents and schools talk about preventative measures for kids?

Underwood said that public health discussions could teach children valuable skills. This includes skills like social responsibility, social awareness, and self-management. She asked the schools to introduce small-group discussions upon how students feel about the vaccine, providing an opportunity for staff to quell misinformation. She further said, “It’s an opportunity to stay connected and stay informed about things that impact them on a daily basis.”

Gilani said that for productive conversations, parents have to sit down as a family and ask what their children know about the vaccine. He said that without interrupting or judging them, they should listen to the opinions of the family members. They can then assist them in finding reputable sources so that they can make their own informed decisions.

Gilani further stated that “Once you’ve heard them completely, then figure out if there is misinformation and where the source of that misinformation is.” According to him, social media has created the notion that the vaccine is unsafe and has adverse side effects. 

In order to have negative mental health effects, make your children believe that they have a role in masking and school choices. He said, “Instead of telling them what to do, ask them, ‘Are you going to wear a mask because you want to save lives?’ Let them make the decision.”

What is the likelihood of a 5-year-old catching the virus or spreading it to others?

Landers explained that she and other health experts used to think that children under 12 couldn’t spread COVID-19, but as the delta variant is infecting more and more children, that notion has vanished. Landers stated  that “[children] absolutely can contract COVID and they absolutely can spread COVID to other people.”

Now more and more children are hospitalized with COVID-19. It is reported that the state has seen more than 100 cases of MIS-C. It is a rare inflammatory syndrome associated with child COVID-19 cases. Landers further said that 6 to 10% of children could develop long COVID symptoms, including fatigue, chronic headache, and inability to concentrate, affecting their performance in an academic setting.

What does the research say about mask effectiveness? Is there a negative psychological outcome of expecting children to wear masks?

The experts say that there is a growing body of data showing the efficacy of masking in schools. Landers pointed out that a Duke University study portrayed that universal masking in schools limited in-school secondary cases.

It is reported that last month, one-third of Alabama school districts had mandated masks. As of now, more than 90% of districts have ordered universal masking. Dr. Landers further said that universal masking, along with social distancing, routine cleanings, and testing, can mitigate the spread.

“It’s very important to support our schools for doing everything that they’re doing to keep kids safe,” she said.

Even with very young children, Gilani said that no evidence suggests universal mask-wearing can present adverse mental health outcomes. Gilani pointed out that social outcasting, which is more likely to affect masked children in districts that don’t require masks, has a more harmful effect.

How are children handling changing guidance?

In the last few years, Midfield schools opted for online learning, and now for this year, for several months, many parents and students are anxious about on-campus learning. That’s been affecting student, and staff mental health, said Underwood. She further stated that a support system and open communication could be “a saving grace” for students and staff. 

She noted that younger children tend to want to socialize more and said,  “Kids are a lot more flexible than we are, and it’s easier for them to pivot,” according to her, the ability to stay in school was a motivator for students to stay safe.

When will school nurses be able to give COVID-19 tests at school?

Landers said that the key to keeping kids in school includes weekly testing, mandating masks, social distancing, environmental cleaning, and good respiratory hygiene.

To conduct surveillance tests, it is up to the schools to work with providers, as the state doesn’t require mass testing. Landers said several schools have already signed up for The University of Alabama at Birmingham grant to conduct in-school weekly testing. 

Why am I not getting notified when my child’s classmate has coronavirus?

It is recommended but not required by the State health officials that the schools notify families to slow the spread of COVID. According to ADPH, the student who remains 3 feet away from the student who tested positive need not quarantine if both students wore masks and remain asymptomatic. Lander further said, “It’s important for parents to consistently be aware that COVID is out there, that COVID is in the community.”

Will COVID-19 become a required vaccine in schools?

Although Landers asked the eligible groups to get vaccinated, Alabama law does not mandate schools and universities requiring the vaccine. 

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