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Know The Basics of Knee Arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey

Oct 26

The knee is a hinge joint that connects the thigh to the lower leg. It can be damaged by injury or arthritis in Fanwood, NJ, which leads to swelling and pain in the area. Knee arthritis usually affects people over age 50, but it can happen at any age. There are different types of knee arthritis in Fanwood, NJ, depending on what causes it. This article will discuss some common types of knee arthritis, and how they affect your body, so you know what's normal for you!


What are the symptoms of knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey?

Symptoms of Knee arthritis Fanwood include pain, swelling, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. In addition, various types of knee arthritis can cause different symptoms. When your doctor diagnoses you with Fanwood Knee Arthritis, they will discuss the specific type/s with you to know how it is affecting your body and what treatment options may be available to help alleviate some or all of these symptoms. The two main forms of Knee Arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey, are Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid (RA). Each one has its list of Symptoms, but there are also general signs that both have in common.


Prevention methods for developing knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey

You have to think about the following prevention methods for developing knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey. These are stretching exercises each morning and night will help strengthen your muscles to protect against injury. This is especially important if you are over 50 years of age or have a developing knee arthritis family history. Also, maintain a healthy weight - carrying extra pounds puts more stress on your knees, contributing to their deterioration.


Risk factors for developing knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey

Knee Arthritis is a painful Knee pain Fanwood condition that affects people of all ages and usually occurs due to long-term wear and Fanwood Knee pain. It can cause pain when walking up/downstairs, getting out of bed or car, weight-bearing activities such as standing for prolonged periods at work, etc. Knee arthritis symptoms include stiffness upon waking in the morning & after sitting still for extended periods followed by joint swelling leading to limited mobility. In cases where there are no treatment options, available surgery may be depending on severity level.


Treatment options for knee arthritis  in Fanwood, New Jersey

Treatment options for knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey and for Fanwood Knee pain relief, can include:

  • Knee replacement surgery
  • Partial knee replacements and total knee replacements.

Knee arthritis is a common condition that can limit your daily activities and even stop you from doing the things you enjoy most such as exercise, walking, or just getting around at home. If you’re suffering from this condition, it might be time to consider treatment options for knee arthritis in Fanwood, New Jersey, like partial or total knee replacement surgery, where we replace all or part of the arthritic area with plastic and metal components designed to replicate normal joint motion.

Functional Performance Institute

313 South Ave Suite 205, Fanwood, NJ 07023

(908) 288-7049