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Advanced Physical Therapy Services in Bonaire, GA

Oct 24

Bonaire Physical in Therapy, GA is committed to helping patients improve their quality of life. Whether you are recovering from an injury or have a chronic condition that affects your everyday life, we want to help! That's why our physical therapy services in Bonaire, GA include everything from rehabilitation exercises for those just starting on the road to recovery to hydrotherapy and sports medicine so athletes can get back in the game. Our staff has over three decades of experience working with physical therapy patients and offers specialized expertise in orthopedics, neurology, women's health/pregnancy-related issues, as well as pediatrics Bonaire.

What is physical therapy, and how does it work?

Bonaire Physical Therapy is a form of medical treatment that helps people restore their movement and manage pain. When you have an injury or condition, physical therapists can help by using exercises to increase your strength, coordination, balance, gait speed, endurance, and more. To help patients achieve goals in mobility, functional performance abilities as well as overall improved quality of life through education on self-management techniques/strategies for any age group with different diagnoses (e.g., arthritis), orthopedic conditions including traumatic injuries (cerebral palsy), cancers - endocrine system disorders - pulmonary disease.

How can I find a good physical therapist near me?

Read reviews on the physical therapist in Bonaire that are suggested to you. Make sure they have a good reputation in your community and an upstanding record with the health board before making any final decision. If you cannot find anything online, make an appointment at one of these locations near me today! You can trust them to get you back on track fast! Ask friends or family for their references.

Have you been in an accident, or have you had surgery?

Do you need physical therapy services to recover from it? If so, Bonaire Physical Therapy might be for you! We are a full-service medical rehabilitation facility that has helped many people return to their normal life after experiencing pain. Our expert therapists use the most advanced techniques and equipment available today. Contact us if your injuries are preventing you from living your daily life without limitations. Physical Therapists in Bonaire offer Neuro Rehabilitation Services, Sports Injury Care & Recovery, Orthopedic Care & Treatment Plans. For more information on our other physical therapies, check out our website.

Tips of a physical therapist

Tips for getting the most out of your sessions with a Bonaire Physical Therapist. Ask questions. If you don't understand something, ask your physical therapist to explain it differently to better comprehend what is being told to you. Keep an open line of communication with your physical therapist throughout treatment and beyond by staying up-to-date on any new medical terms he or she may use during each session. Doing this, should there be anything where further clarification is needed, the two of you will not need to rehash old information for clarity's sake. Be proactive when taking part in exercises prescribed by your physical therapist post-injury or surgery (or both).

Core Physical Therapy
101 Stillwater Circle, Bonaire, GA 31005
(478) 293-1680