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Orthotics in Green Bay, WI

Dec 9

Orthotics in Green Bay, WI, is a company that provides orthotic services to people suffering from foot problems. They are the most reliable orthotics providers in the area. They have been providing these services in Green Bay for many years now, and their reputation has grown by word of mouth from satisfied customers. If you are suffering from foot pain or discomfort, then this is the place to go!

What are orthotics, and why do they matter

There are many benefits to wearing orthotics. For example, it reduces the strain on your feet and legs, which can lead to pain relief for those who suffer from chronic foot problems such as plantar fasciitis or arthritis. Orthotics also help with things like posture issues, back pain, and leg/hip discomfort by aligning your body properly while you walk or stand. In addition to relieving these symptoms of poor biomechanics, using custom fit orthotic inserts can improve athletic performance in sports that require a lot of lateral movements or quick turns due to improved balance control during activities that have significant impact forces being absorbed throughout the body's kinetic chain (e.g., running).

Types of orthotics

Orthotics are devices that are used to help with pain relief or injury recovery. You can come to us for orthotics in Green Bay, WI, if you want a more natural experience without drugs since chiropractors believe the body has its way of recovering from injuries and diseases. Orthotics devices include braces, shoe inserts, physical therapy aids, etc., which all work together to improve your health by balancing out the musculoskeletal system through manual manipulation techniques like spinal adjustments and many other methods such as exercises and stretches under doctor supervision. If you have any further questions regarding how our office provides orthotic services, please feel free to contact us.

How to find a reputable provider in your area

Orthotics are medical devices that are used to correct the position of your feet. If you have flat feet, high arches, or clubbed toes, orthotics can help prevent future foot problems and correct current issues with your feet. Orthotics in Green Bay, WI, can be custom-fitted into any type of shoe, including dress shoes, work boots, hiking boots, and athletic shoes for men, women, and kids. No matter what level of activity you participate in, an orthotic will provide a customized solution for your foot issue while allowing all types of shoes to fit properly on your feet so that no additional stress is placed on specific areas causing more damage over time.

How to maintain them

Orthotics can help with all sorts of foot problems. An adjustable suction cup is integrated into the design that provides a secure grip on most smooth surfaces for easy hands-free operation.  The lightweight, rubberized casing feels good to the touch and makes it very portable, so you can take your music wherever you go. These are just a few ways our Green Bay orthotic clinic helps people live healthier lives through better feet! Orthotics from Prosthetics Unlimited have been used since when we first opened our doors to serve patients who needed them for any reason.

Align Clinic Green Bay WI
445 Cardinal Lane, Green Bay, WI 54313
(920) 940-5277