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DIY Intimate Area Lightening

Dec 7

Intimate area lightening and in particular DIY anal bleaching has become very popular over the last few years.

A growing number of people nowadays feel embarassed about skin discoloration in intimate areas. This has actually happened due to the occurrence of both pornography and likewise nudity in mainstream film and television. It's much easier now for people to compare themselves to others.

People in the adult film industry have actually been using intimate area bleaching treatments for many years. So the appearance that regular  people are wanting to attain isn't natural anyway. Many people have darkened skin in intimate areas, it's completely normal. The darkening occurs for a variety of reasons including hormone changes, friction and aging. However some people are not happy with this and want to do something about it.

How is Intimate Lightening Done?

The two most popular approaches are making use of topical treatments, in the form of skin lightening serums and creams. The advantage with this approach is you are able to do it yourself in the comfort of your own home. It is likewise much cheaper than visiting a beauty clinic or dermatologist for a professional treatment.

This brings us to the 2nd popular approach which is laser treatment. This requires several visits to a qualified specialist. The advantage with this approach is the results will generally last longer. The disadvantage is the cost, with these sessions costing normally $150 or more for each visit.

Is Intimate Area Bleaching Safe?

If going for a professional treatment, intimate area lightening is completely safe as long as you make sure you visit a respectable clinic.

You need to make sure you choose a reputable product if you go with the DIY intimate lightening option. You need to stay away from products containing harsh chemicals such as hydroquinone. There are a number of natural plant based options presently available. Amaira Skin Lightening Serum is currently the most popular product available for use on sensitve intimate areas.